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Organization changes

Thomas Kautzsch, co-founder of ITECH Instruments, is the CEO (Président) of ITECH INSTRUMENTS since November 2022.
The former CEO, M. Casile, is not a director of the company any more.

Web site relaunch

ITECH INSTRUMENTS has relaunched its web site. The goal of this operation is to make the web site more user friendly, helping the user to reach the required information rapidly.

New High Voltage Module

ITECH INSTRUMENTS has introduced a new High Voltage Power Supply NIM module named Zeus. This module exists in versions for 2 and 6 kV and with one or two independent outputs. It can be controlled over the front panael and also over an Ethernet or USB connection.


ITECH INSTRUMENTS has introduced the Venus/E, an analyzer which connects to the 14pin connector of a scintillation detector. The Venus/E features Ethernet and USB interface with power supply over PoE or alternativly over 5 V.